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Accelerate Innovation with MACH Technology

Posted by Amanda McLaughlin on Apr 1, 2021

Digital transformation is a hot boardroom topic across all industries. As markets become more competitive, and customer expectations evolve, organizations small and large are thinking about how they optimize technology, people, and processes to fundamentally change their operating models.

On the technology front, it is particularly difficult to move away from enterprise systems — the often safe choice. What are the modern alternatives? Can they meet today’s business requirements and create a future-proof technology ecosystem? 

The MACH Alliance was created to answer these questions. It is a vendor-agnostic co-operation that provides resources, education, and guidance to help companies take advantage of modern technology. The goal is to support the future of business by presenting and advocating for open and best-of-breed enterprise technology.

What is MACH? 

A MACH environment consists of Microservices based, API-first, Cloud-native SaaS, and Headless services. These composable elements enable businesses such as retail brands to innovate quickly and propel current and future digital experiences. Let’s dive into each. 


Traditional monolithic software worked in the past, but retail has evolved. Brands today need to be able to respond to dynamic shifts in the market. Just look at the COVID-19 pandemic. The ones without a modern technology stack have not been able to serve customers in new and necessary ways. On the other hand, there are some brands surviving and even thriving thanks to an existing agile and flexible microservices architecture. 

In this type of landscape, every piece of business functionality exists as an independent microservice. New microservices can be added or updated without affecting the other parts of the software. Even though each application is independent, the system operates as a whole through API communication. The agility, flexibility, and resiliency of this setup enables the acceleration of innovation. In short, it makes more customer experiences possible, now. 


When talking about the modernization of business, at the heart of the conversation is an API-first architecture. Application programming interfaces (APIs) open up a world of possibilities in retail. From efficiently layering a new platform onto existing infrastructure to integrating with third-party providers, these gateways enable unprecedented levels of real-time data connectivity. 

The API layer in a commerce platform means you can easily and securely pass data between any application or channel. This could be store inventory online for the customer, or shopper information in-store for the associate. As important, it might be the integration of two systems or services to enable omnichannel interactions. Whatever the scenario, all information is exposed through an API so you can enable key customer journeys quickly. 


One of the primary drivers of business change is the pursuit of a cloud-based foundation. This is without a doubt where a lot of transformation is happening in retail right now. In fact, much of it was underway before the COVID-19 pandemic. Brands recognize that to stay competitive, they need to be able to turn on new functionality at a high clip. That’s why Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is becoming the preferred option over traditional systems. 

A cloud-native SaaS system is a cost-effective way to gain real-time connectivity across your organization. And because data is stored and hosted in the cloud instead of an on-premise server, there is a clear path to grow across touchpoints and geographies. Beyond storage and hosting, SaaS is always-up-to-date, scalable, and secure, allowing for continuous business innovation. Brands can put their customer experience first. The provider will handle the tech. 


As we know, customer needs are constantly changing. So too are the number of ways today’s shoppers engage with their favorite brands. As such, it is really important that brands are able to quickly pivot and evolve their digital channels to deliver on customer expectations. From a new, modern checkout flow online, to a customized content experience in-app. These are achievable with a headless commerce implementation. 

Headless commerce is the decoupling of the front-end and back-end of a commerce platform. The content presentation layer is separated from the functional layer, with the two communicating through APIs. This makes it much easier for developers to build customizations and for non-IT teams to introduce personalized applications. With headless commerce, brands can rapidly deploy new front-end experiences while saving IT time and resources. The result for customers is a beautiful, more consistent experience wherever they choose to shop.

NewStore Joins the MACH Alliance 

The MACH Alliance consists of companies that share its mission and belief in Microservices, APIs, Cloud SaaS, and Headless technology. There are strict certification standards to become a member and carry the MACH Certified seal. 

The NewStore Omnichannel Platform has been vetted and is confirmed to offer fully compliant MACH services. The MACH Alliance mission is in the fabric of our DNA and reflects our core value of innovation. Since our founding, we have operated a cloud-based SaaS solution with microservices on an API-first architecture. The platform was purpose-built to be fast, flexible, and easy to use in the ever-changing omnichannel retail environment. 

A monolithic approach to technology will not suffice for businesses needing to adapt following the pandemic. MACH architecture empowers brands to build, test, and implement capabilities simply and quickly. The MACH certification is a seal of confidence that NewStore is a best-in-class company delivering a future-proof solution.

Choosing NewStore or any other MACH compliant business ensures connectivity, scalability, adaptability, and flexibility. It will accelerate the time to value and make an immediate impact on your digital transformation journey.

Reach out to learn how we can support your business with Omnichannel-as-a-Service. To learn more about the MACH Alliance, visit: https://machalliance.org/ 

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